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How to carry a tent?

Of all the equipment we need to carry when going out, the tent may be the largest and heaviest. How to place it is absolutely important.

Every tent is sold with a packaging bag, and many people are used to putting tents in it. Not to mention that it is troublesome to fold it in orderly and put it in. The tent is often the largest of all our equipment, and the space of the backpack is limited. In addition to it, it has to put two large sleeping bags and moisture-proof pads.

What's more troublesome is that many tents are packed in a long cylindrical shape. If you use a smaller backpack, you may not fit it in. Hang the tent outside the backpack? It seems to be a good way to save space, but it is not. This guy can easily cause you trouble outside,
The tent is very heavy. Hanging vertically outside the backpack is not easy to tie up, unless it is like a brown palm; when it is crossed, it is easy to be caught by the branches if you need to drill the forest on the route. If it is accidentally scratched by the branches You are miserable. What to do then? The best way is to give up the constraints brought by the manufacturer's design-throw away the outer bag of the tent and use a large sleeping bag cover.
You don’t have to fold it up when you put it away. Just put it in the sleeping bag cover like a sleeping bag. If you want to save the volume, add a sleeping bag compression bag outside to reduce the volume. (It looks very savage?!) In this way, the folded sleeping bag has changed from the original long tube into a ball, and it can be placed in the backpack to arrange the position.

Another advantage of this is that the position of each folding is random, and if it is purely for the sake of beauty, it can only be received in the original tent bag if it is stacked properly, then the position of each folding is fixed. Yes, this part is easy to age first after a long time. After the tent is settled, the remaining tent poles are much easier to talk about. It is easy to store it vertically in the backpack or hang it outside the backpack.

The rough tent bottom will scratch your hands when stuffed inside~~ It’s better to fold the inner account and put a few fold flat cushions on the sleeping bag in the backpack, it is not big; it is not easy to put the tent poles on the backrest side of the bag. Damaged; the tent is lightly placed on the surface of the backpack and can be waterproof. It can be quickly pulled out as a rain poncho when it rains. If it is 225, you can also pull out the tent pole and install it as a rain shed or cooking hall; tent; The bag can be used as a moisture-proof cushion cover, and the moisture-proof cushion and the aluminum thin cushion roll are stuffed inside and then hung outside the backpack. You can rest assured and save a little money.


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