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A wedding banquet in a wedding tent

Recently, in a vacant lot in the Shangjiang district of Lingxi Town, a couple is holding a wedding in a temporary tent. Different from previous felt sheds and plastic sheds, this time the tent was furnished with elements such as cloth mantles, chandeliers, flowers, etc. The guests who went to the banquet laughed and said that they "entered the hotel". In fact, celebrations with such outdoor wedding tents have long been popular, but it is rare to use them to hold weddings in our county. Mr. Xu is the head of an outdoor tent rental company in Lingxi. He called the tent "mobile restaurant". He admits that the tent is an upgraded version of the rural felt shed and plastic shed. "But the materials and decoration of tents are more sophisticated and taller than plastic sheds. Not many people know this, but I believe that many people will accept tent weddings. Since the first month, we have received four or five pen orders. Now. " Using outdoor tents to hold weddings, what is the acceptance of Cangnan people, as Mr. Xu said? Through the interview, the reporter found that the interviewed citizens basically welcomed the wedding tent. "I basically set up shop outside and do business. If my son gets married, it will probably be in the first month. It ’s difficult to book a hotel in the first month. If you ca n’t book a hotel, you can set up a tent like this in an open space near your home. It is also very lively, I will choose. "Mr. Li said. Slightly different from Mr. Li's "back next" idea, the well-thought-out Mr. Wu calculated a bill for reporters: according to the market for the table in the first month, the price of a table at a hotel is around 5,000 yuan, 20 tables It will cost 100,000 yuan, not counting the wedding expenses. And I asked the chef to come and handle it. The price of a banquet table was around 25,500 yuan, which was considered to be the cost of the tent and the wedding. "The ribbons are hung in the tent, and the lights are on, so they don't lose the hotel, so the guests are more comfortable to eat. What's wrong?" Mr. Wu said. Due to venue considerations, many citizens have reservations about tent weddings. "It may be more suitable for rural areas. If there is not enough open space, there is no way to build such a tent." A citizen said.

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