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Knowledge of the installation, use and maintenance of the exhibition tent

What should be paid attention to when renting aluminum alloy exhibition tents 1. Read the support method carefully before installing it, so as to avoid improper installation and affect the use effect; 2. Avoid avoiding sharp scratches on the tent and affecting the use effect; 3. After the tent is used, all spare parts should be collected for reuse. 4. The load on each bracket shall not exceed 200KG when the stack is piled up; 5, the handling process should be as light as possible, the outer packaging to prevent damage, so as not to lose the accessories; 6. If you use electrical appliances in the tent, please note that the wires and iron brackets should be well insulated, otherwise there is danger of electric shock; 7. Before setting up a tent, you must carefully survey the terrain. There should be no rolling stones, rolling wood and weathered rocks above the camp; 8. Do not build tents near river banks and dry riverbeds; 9. For lightning protection, do not build the tent on the top of the mountain or in the open field; 10. When installing on mud or sand, you can dig the drainage ditch around to ensure the dryness of the ground inside the canopy; 11. The materials used in the tents are not flame retardant. If you need to do things in the tent, be sure to keep the flame away from the tarpaulin or use a fireproof board to isolate the flame. When you are in trouble, you should not leave the tent, usually prepare the fire extinguishing, and install the exhaust fan to eliminate it. Fume 12. If you know that the local wind power is above 8 or above, please remove the tent in advance. 13. Before storing the cotton tent, be sure to dry the tarpaulin. After it has been restored to dryness, fold it and store it. If it is too late to dry the tarpaulin, remember that it must not be stored for a long time to avoid coloring and mildew. 14. Depending on the local humidity and climate, dry the tarpaulin regularly to avoid breeding bacteria and damage the tent's rain-proof coating. /product/canopy/

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